Urban Loft Window Treatments

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i gotta have...

spring soon...


...but not until  after Alt Summit in wintery Utah...14 days and counting...

...and the lovely speakers are...click here to meet them!

...this dimpled glassware...just ordered the aqua ones, yes, i did...

west elm.

...this vintage jacket...

urban weeds.

...this hobo bag...

scabby robot.

...this cool print...


...lessons in illustrating from the wonderful Sophie Blackall...yeah like you can learn this, right? This talent is a gift and innatte so dream on for me...

sophie blackall.

...this calligraphy by Neither Snow...

neither snow.

...my christmas tree hauled away before february...

little bean collection.

...these boots for walkin' by fiorentini & baker...first U.S. store opening in Soho@ 54 Mercer...who doesn't love a well-made boot?  T0tally worth the benjamins...

gravity pope.

On that note...I have to get walkin' to work and note to self...be mindful of what i post on this here blog cuz my sweet hubby's holiday gifts were all from my 'lists and guides'...he's one smart guy (i hope he knows my shoe size)...love him! xocc...