Urban Loft Window Treatments

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Emma Cassi

When I was shopping for a special necklace to wear on my wedding day, I discovered the beautiful work of French stylist and jewelry designer Emma Cassi.  Her aesthetic is feminine and vintage yet modern and timeless.  Every piece has been crafted by hand using impeccably selected gemstones, crystals, vintage sequins, Japanese glass beads, lace and embroidery.  The necklace I fell for was sold out, but I 'notebooked' her to feature later...and this is later...so here she is...the talented and chic Emma Cassi... Jewellery...


Have an amazing day...I better go get out of my cozy flannels & slippers and put on proper clothes for I have work to do...my stepson Blayne got his permit and now all he wants to do is hang out with me because I'm wonderful, not at all because he wants to drive my car and needs me to be in the car with him. I told him his new name is James (as in my personal chauffeur) and he's fine with that so he's got himself a deal!  Suburban Square, James, I have gifts to purchase!

photos via Emma Cassi